Essentials of business driven information systems / Baltzan, Paige. Phillips, Amy text New York : McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2009 eng Essentials of Business Driven Information Systems discusses various business initiatives first and how technology supports those initiatives second. The premise for this unique approach is that business initiatives should drive technology choices. Every discussion first addresses the business needs and then addresses the technology that supports those needs. This text provides the foundation that will enable students to achieve excellence in business, whether they major in operations management, manufacturing, sales, marketing finance, human resourcess, accounting, or virtually any other business discipline. Dewasa Essentials of Business Driven Information Systems discusses various business initiatives first and how technology supports those initiatives second. The premise for this unique approach is that business initiatives should drive technology choices. Every discussion first addresses the business needs and then addresses the technology that supports those needs. This text provides the foundation that will enable students to achieve excellence in business, whether they major in operations management, manufacturing, sales, marketing finance, human resourcess, accounting, or virtually any other business discipline. Dewasa Bisnis Sistem informasi -- Manajemen URN:ISBN:9780071270342