Essentials of public health biology a guide for the study of pathophysiology BATTLE, Constance Uricolo text Ontario Jones and Bartlett 2009 ind ENG xlvi, 613 p illus. 28 cm. Understanding how and why manifestations of a disease occur and incorporating this knowledge into public health decision-making is the very essence of public health practice. As the only text of its kind, Essentials of Public Health Biology explores pathophysiology within the context of the disciplines and profession of public health. Readers will gain a clear understanding of the pathogenesis of various disease conditions and how to identify critical points at which such pathogenesis could either be prevented or interrupted. Infectious, nutritional, metabolic, genetic, and environmental risks And The impact of such risks on various organ systems are thoroughly examined. Ideal For The student with a science background, this text applies the scientific clinical foundation To The practice of public health through case studies, exercises, and points for discussion. Features: Gives readers a clear understanding of the biological basis of disease put in the context of Public Health. Teaches key skills in public health to prepare the student for further investigation of critical topics. Includes a complete package of instructor and interactive student resources . Dewasa ed. Constance Urciolo Battle PUBLIC HEALTH = KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT ; HEALTH PROMOTION = PROMOSI KESEHATAN 362.1 BPAD DKI 0-7637-4464-6 JKPUDKI 20111111154934.0 JAKPU/11110000000777 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19)