Immunology for medical student / NAIRN, Roderick HELBERT, Matthew text Philadelphia : Mosby Elsevier, 2009 ind Immunology for medical student is organized to be read comprehensively. The flow of the book is from genes and molecules to cells and organs, and finally to the immune system as an integrated system protection the body from infection and helping to maintain the health of the body. Throughout the book, the core knowledge objectives are listed as learning points at the end of chapters to aid in review. There are also several integrating overview chapters and these focus the student on the major point. Each section is relatively freestanding. For example, Section 5, Immune system in Health and disease, could be used a clinical correlations course , independent of the remainder of book. Immunology for Medical Student will be most useful in the comprehensive host defense-type course that are growing in popularity in medical schools. IMMUNOLOGY IMUNOLOGI KEKEBALAN TUBUH URN:ISBN:0-323-04331-3