Bergulat dengan usia : sebuah refleksi atas pergulatan para lansia pada masa ini / Hendro Setiawan text ind Old age is an indispensable part of the whole of human life. The majority of human beings in this world live to old age, especially in this era when life expectancy has increased considerably compared to previous times. It can be said that being an elderly person is the future of all mankind. The basic question: is it correct to interpret old age as the inevitable "bleak time", the "time of vain", the period of living life as a "burden" for the family, society, country, and the world, or a time of self-isolation in loneliness, a time of despair? Is it true that only the abundance of wealth can guarantee the happiness of old age? What if old age is the peak period of life's happiness, the golden age? Could? If it is true, how to prepare it? What to do? This book is intended to help reflect on life and find answers to the above questions, not only for the elderly, but also for all mankind. Old age is an indispensable part of the whole of human life. The majority of human beings in this world live to old age, especially in this era when life expectancy has increased considerably compared to previous times. It can be said that being an elderly person is the future of all mankind. The basic question: is it correct to interpret old age as the inevitable "bleak time", the "time of vain", the period of living life as a "burden" for the family, society, country, and the world, or a time of self-isolation in loneliness, a time of despair? Is it true that only the abundance of wealth can guarantee the happiness of old age? What if old age is the peak period of life's happiness, the golden age? Could? If it is true, how to prepare it? What to do? This book is intended to help reflect on life and find answers to the above questions, not only for the elderly, but also for all mankind. Etika dalam agama kristen URN:ISBN:9789792168457