Principles of health education & health promotion BUTLER, J. Thomas text United States of America Wadsworth, Cengage Learning 2001 ind This current, contemporary textbook is a guide to the fields of health promotion. Its primary beneficiaries are students who are preparing for careers as health educators or health promoters. This text teaches the educator to be aware of the many factors that influence health: heredity, environment, health care services, and our own behavior. This edition takes a slightly different view of relationship between health promotion and health education. Rather than present health promotion as an outgrowth of health education, we conceptualize health promotion as a larger entity, comprising many intervention components, the core of which is health education. Perhaps the clearest portrayal of health promotion is seen in the health promotion triad of health education, prevention, and health protection. Dewasa HEALTH EDUCATION ; HEALTH PROMOTION = PENDIDIKAN KESEHATAN - PROMOSI KESEHATAN URN:ISBN:978-0-534-52374-9