01432 2200265 4500001002100000005001700021008004100038020002200079035002400101040001200125041000800137082001100145090001700156100002600173245005800199250001200257260004600269300001700315520073000332650003601062659001401098700001801112852001301130990002301143JAKPU/1111000000087620111112150956.0 ind  a978-0-323-06987-8 0010/111100000000876 aJKPUDKI0 aENG14a610.73 a610.73 CAS b1 aCASTALDI, Patricia A.10aBasic NursingcPatricia A. Castaldi; ed. Tamara Myers a7th Ed. aSt. Louis, MissouribMOSBY ELSEVIERc2011 a272 pc28 cm3 aBasic Nursing is known for its visually appealing design and direct, easy-to-read style, making it perfect for beginning nursing students. It addresses all the essential nursing principles, concepts, and skills needed, and consistently follows the 5-step nursing process framework with a strong focus on critical thinking that provides a solid base for clinicals. This guide is designed to correspond, chapter by chapter, to basic nursing (seventh edition). Each chapter in this guide contains study aids to assist to assist in learning and applying the theoretical concepts from the text. The comprehensive chapter review sections allow you the opportunity to evaluate your own level of comprehension after reading the text. 4aNURSE AND NURSING = KEPERAWATAN aPembelian1 aMYERS, Tamara aBPAD DKI a33225/11, 33226/11