Ladder to the moon / SOETORO-NG, Maya MORALES, Yuyi text Massachusetts : Candlewick Press, 2011 One cool new evening, Suhaila asked her mama, "What was Grandma Annie like?" "She was like the moon," her mother replied. "Full, soft, and curious. Your grandma would wrap her arms around the whole world if she could." On a night bejeweled with stars, a golden ladder unfurls outside little Suhaila's window. Her grandmother, perched on its lowest rung, invites her to climb on board for a wondrous adventure. Traveling across the sky, sea,. and land, together they look back at Earth while opening their minds, arms, and hearts to people everywhere, sending a healing glow to wrap the globe in embrace as wide and warm as Grandma Annie's own. ANAK-ANAK FOLKLORE-JUVENILE LITERATURE URN:ISBN:978-0-7636-4570-0