Making sense of the ECG : a hands-on guide / HOUGHTON, Andrew R. GRAY, David text Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2014 ind Interpreting an ECG corretly and working out to what to do next can seem like a dunting task to the non-spesialist, yet it is a skill that will be invaluable to any doctor, nurse or paramedic when evaluating the condition of a patient. Making sense of the ECG has been written specifically with this mind, and will help the student and more experinced healthcare oractitioner to identify and answer crucial questions. Index : p. 234-247 Bibliography : p. 231-232 DEWASA ELEKTRONIKA DALAM KARDIOLOGI ELEKTRONIKA DALAM KEDOKTERAN KEDOKTERAN - ALAT DAN PERLENGKAPAN URN:ISBN:978-1-4441-8182-1