Human Physiology : From Cells to Systems : eighth edition / SHERWOOD, Lauralee CROSBY, Lauren text Australia : Cengage Learning, 2013 eng Indeks : hlm. I-1 - I-40 Organized around the central theme of homeostasis, Lauralee Sherwood's new edition of Human Physiology helps you build a true understanding of the same interactionss and interdependency of body systems. You'll quickly learn to appreciate the integrated functioning of the human body through Sherwood's clear, straightforward language, analogies, and frequent references to everyday experiences. Plus, the book's enhanced art program and new digital resources --including robust 3D anomations-- help you visualize important concepts and process. DEWASA FISIOLOGI MANUSIA URN:ISBN:978-0-495-82629-3 URN:ISBN:978-1-111-57743-8