01349 2200253 4500001002100000005001700021008004100038020002200079035002400101040001200125041000800137082000800145090001400153100002100167245004000188250001200228260003200240300003100272520066300303650007800966659001401044852001301058990002401071JAKPU/1111000000080620111111190910.0 ind  a978-0-07-337063-7 0010/111100000000806 aJKPUDKI aENG14a155 a155 SAN c0 aSANTROCK, John W10aChild developmentcJohn W. Santrock a12th ed aNew YorkbMcGraw-Hillc2008 axli, 529 p.bilus.c27 cm.3 aThrough. Accurate. Reliable. Engaging. These are just a few of the words used by adopters and reviewers of John Santrock’s Child Development. Child Development is widely considered the most accurate and up-to-date topically-organized text in the field. Used by hundreds of thousands of students over eleven editions, its learning goals-driven learning system provides a clear roadmap to student understanding of the content. The fully revised twelfth edition reinforces the highly contemporary tone and focus by featuring hundreds of new citations. This is a great book. Used it for my Child and Adolescent Psyc class and it was full of useful information. aCHILD DEVELOPMENT ; CHILD PSYCHOLOGY = PERKEMBANGAN ANAK ; PSIKOLOGI ANAK aPembelian aBPAD DKI a32686/11,a32687/11