Consumer behavior : building marketing strategy / Del I. Hawkins ; and David L. Mothersbaugh HAWKINS, Del I. MOTHERSBAUGH, David L. text New York McGraw-Hill Irwin 2010 11th ed. ind ENG xxii, 778 p., ill. 27 cm. + 1 CD-ROM. This book is a strategic look at consumer behavior in order to guide successful marketing activities. The wheel of consumer analysis is the organizing factor in the book. The four major parts of the wheel are consumer affect and cognition, consumer behavior, consumer environment, and marketing strategy. Each of these components is the topic of one of the four major sections in the book. This book also offers coverage of consumer behaviour including psychological, social and managerial implications. There are cases at the end of each major section of the text. The cases can be read in class and used to generate discussion of a particular topic. Dewasa CONSUMER BEHAVIOR=PERILAKU KONSUMEN ; MARKET SURVEY=SURVEY PASAR ; MARKETING-MANAGEMENT=MANAJEMEN PEMASARAN 658.8 BPAD DKI CD-ROOM 0-07-017100-8 JKPUDKI 20111117115844.0 JAKPU/11110000001230 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19)